Our Services
ME Support (formerly ME Auckland) is a charity whose mahi (work) is to provide free support to people with ME/CFS and Long COVID and their whānau and carers.
All our members are able to access our online symptom management resources and information, our national Facebook Support group as well as online support groups, presentations and events.
Our Auckland members also have access to one on one dedicated Client Support Coordinator services providing individualised symptom management support and face to face support groups and events.
Client Support Coordinators
Our Client Support Coordinator services provide individualised symptom management support for Auckland members, as well as face-to-face support groups and events.
Client Support Coordinators are available most weekdays and can be reached over the phone for free via 0800 632 553.

"ME Auckland (now ME Support) has helped me get the help, assistance and advice I needed.
I now have homecare which has made the world of difference. Also the resources and knowledge as well as connection is great.
They kindly listened to my story and have helped connect me to the right services and information.”

- Central Auckland Client

"I'm incredibly grateful for the services of the ME Auckland (now ME Support) [Client Support Coordinator].
She has come to a Dr's appointment with me online and it really helped my Dr understand the need I had at the time. She has supported me via telephone conversations through a very difficult time medically, always being calm, caring and knowledgeable.
It makes a real difference to my quality of life to have this support.”

- East Auckland Client
Support Groups
ME Support hosts monthly face-to-face groups for members in West, Central, East, and South Auckland. We plan to add a North Auckland group in the future.

ME Support hosts both informal social groups and structured groups with guest speakers and discussion topics.
These are open to anyone with ME/CFS or Long COVID across New Zealand, including their whānau (family) and carers

To find out more about our support groups email info@mesupport.org.nz or visitour Facebook Support Group and see the events page for updated details and information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/110616075638479/events
Our ME Support Facebook Group is a large, supportive community of people, carers, and whānau (family) of those with ME/CFS, Long COVID, and related conditions.
Here you will find information and resources about a range of topics, peer support, information about upcoming support groups and events, as well as connection with other people in our community.

“I have found the Auckland ME/CFS online virtual sessions and Facebook forum tremendously beneficial, both in terms of learning and sharing on how to manage life with ME, but also I derive an immense uplift experiencing the comradery with fellow ME folk online.
The excellent services offered by the Auckland ME/CFS Support group (now ME Support) are essential to both myself, & many other folk with ME.”
- Online Support Group Attendee

"It was really great to be part of such awesome like-wise people today. It really is a fantastic way to connect and share…
Everything that everyone said was helpful and nicely forms a complete picture of what can help one live with and manage this illness.”
- Online Support Group Attendee